About Us.

Nestled in the heart of the United Kingdom, Lume is the brainchild of two close friends, united by a common vision: to combat the vaping challenges currently facing the UK. Our goal is clear - to play a pivotal role in promoting a healthier, more responsible approach to vaping with the help of plant-powered alternatives, sustainable technology, and a steadfast commitment to being nicotine-free.

We firmly believe that the act of puffing should be a wholesome, enjoyable experience that neither compromises your well-being nor the environment. Our journey began as we identified an unmet need in the market for natural diffuser products.

In today's saturated vape market, many products are saturated with synthetic components and chemicals, posing risks to both individuals and the ecosystem. We embarked on a mission to provide a superior choice for those who are conscious of the ingredients they consume.

All our offerings are meticulously crafted using plant-based ingredients, drawing inspiration from the natural splendor of the United Kingdom. From delightful fruity notes to the invigorating aroma of fresh herbs and flowers, every puff encapsulates the essence of the UK's beauty.

We take immense pride in our commitment to cruelty-free, vegan, and chemical-free products. With a resolute focus on transparency and quality, our aim is to instill confidence in your choice and ensure that your vaping experience is truly something to feel great about

Contact Us:

Our contact information is posted below:


5 Godden Road. Canterbury, United Kingdom, CT2 7BY 

Owner; Kian Flynn - kianflynney2@gmail.com